Music can create feelings, memories, emotions, remind you of someone/something or just a specific time or moment in your life. So I'm gonna start the sound track to my life!!! (In no particular order and will add to it as I go)

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Jimmy Ruffin

Song: Jimmy Ruffin ~ What Becomes of the Broken Hearted
Have always wondered what does become of the broken hearted.
Reminds me of the time I split up with my first boyfriend

Tina Turner

Song: Tina Turner ~ Nutbush City Limits
(My favourite Tina Turner song)

About Me

My photo
I'm Jane, Aged 36 (just) My family.... Lee, Aka 'my Lee': The love of my life and husband (been with Lee nearly half my life already!) Jamie: R gorgeous little man, now 8yrs old (he was 2 when I was diagnosed) My personal journey now, is to discover the new version of me. (lameO) :-)
